Book of John
Summary of the "7s" Story.
1 John 1: 1:34 In the beginning-word. Witness of the Light. World made by Him. John not worthy to untie Jesus’ shoes. (barefoot reference) Lamb of God, baptism of Jesus, Spirit descend (JESUS)
2 John 1:35-51 Two disciples leave John go to Jesus (one was Andrew-Peter’s brother). Andrew goes and gets Peter –(Peter called - ROCK) Philip called. Philip gets Nathanael. Jesus see Nathanael at the fig tree. His is at the TREE and he has no guile. (TREE)
3 John 2:1-11 Third Day wedding in Cana (Adam and Eve reversal) Woman (Mary) tells man (Jesus) what to do. Man (Jesus) tell woman (Mary) to shut up. Man (Jesus) turn 6 waterpots used for the purifying of the Jews into the finest -fruit of the vine- wine (Perfect Fruit) Gives the perfect wine to the Governor of the wedding. (God) (Bad wine first then the Best wine second reference, this time reversed) Miracle #1 Reverse of Waters into Blood.)
4 John 2:12-24 He, his mother, his brethren, and his disciples (list 4 people or groups) Cleanses the temple, his Father’s house.
5 John 3 Nidodemus (Teacher of the Jews, a Law Man), born again, and seeing the Kingdom of God. Must be born of water and the Spirit. (Mountain cast into the sea, Jesus/Spirit comes upon Him) Moses and the serpent on the pole. (Jesus/Moses/Tree again) John talks about the bride and bridegroom.
6 John 4:1-26 Sixth hour and the Samaria woman at the well. Living Water and never thirsting again. Must not worship at a place, it is in Spirit and Truth. Tells her he is the Messias.
7 John 4:27-42 Jesus has meat to eat that know one can know. Four months to the harvest. Gathering Fruit unto life eternal. Disciples reap where they don’t labor. (7th Rest) Woman gets her city to come to Jesus.
8 John 4:43-54 Prophet no honor in own country. Nobleman’s son healed. Miracle #2 Reverse of Pharaoh first born died.
9 John 5 Man healed at the pool of Bethesda. Stirring of the water but can’t get in. Miracle #3 Reverse of Moses cast tree into the water and the water turning from bitter to sweet.
10 John 6 Jesus goes up on mountain and feeds with bread and fish. Andrew is the one that says we have some food but not enough. He is type of Abel. He knows you need something to fill what you are given. People want to make Jesus King. Miracle #4 Like Moses and the bread and quail coming down from heaven. Must eat his flesh and drink his blood. Jesus is the true bread from heaven. Miracle #5 Jesus walks on the water in the storm, reverse of Moses and the wind that drys the Red Sea so they can cross on dry land. Tell them one of you (disciples) is a devil.
11 John 7 Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus tells his brothers to go but his time is not yet. Jesus teaches in the temple.
12 John 8 Up to the mount of Olives and then back to the temple to teach. Woman taken in adultery brought to him. Writes on the ground of the Temple twice, like up the mountain in Moses day. Jesus teaches in the temple again.
13 John 9 Jesus heals the blind man. Washes in the pool of Siloam. Parents brought into court. Jesus tell the man he is the Son of God. Miracle #6 Jesus lets a blind man see, in Moses day, they see God on the mountain.
14 John 10:1-39 Jesus is the door and the good shepherd, not a hireling.
15 John 10:40-42, Ch.11 Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Miracle #7 The Jews or Moses day were at the mountain and choose Moses instead of God and they “Died” a little more, just like Adam and Eve. Jesus reversal, raises the dead.
16 John 12 Six days before the Passover, Mary takes a pound of ointment of spikenard and anoints the feet of Jesus. Five days before Jesus enter Jerusalem, people place branches of palm trees on the ground for him. Greeks come to see him. Jesus is troubled, Voice from heaven comes, some hear thunder some hear God.
17 John 13 - 17 Jesus washes feet, Judas eats the bread that Jesus dipped for him, Satan enters in. Jesus gives long talk about everything that is about to happen.
18 John 18:1-37 Jesus goes into the Garden, Judas comes for him with the leaders.
19 John 18:38-40 and Ch.19 Jesus taken to Pilate, people choose Barabbas the thief over Jesus. Jesus whipped and crowned and robed. Jesus crucified, Clothes parted four ways but coat kept whole. “It is finished.” Jesus stabbed, water and blood come out, Picture of Moses poured water and turned to blood. Jesus buried in a garden.
20 John 20:1-18 Mary, Peter and John at the empty tomb. Jesus appears to Mary as a Gardener. Jesus says don’t touch me I have to ascend to my Father.
21 John 20:19-31 and Ch.21 Jesus comes to the disciples in the closed room twice and then out at the sea and the fire pit. Picture of tabernacle. Jesus tells Peter that John will tarry (be alive) till I come. Everyone thinks that means he will not die because everyone knows Jesus will return and everything will be perfect. Little do they know, they know nothing! Jesus is building the tabernacle.